Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

Zynga Poker Chips Hack Trainer v4.7.1 Update 2012

Zynga Poker Hack Chips Trainer
Check Link Above for download Software at Hack Master
Unlike most trainers on YouTube that promises some kind of “Zynga Poker Chips Hack,” we do not offer such feature in our trainer. There is no such thing as a free chip hack. Most of them will steal your Facebook account which is a very personal account. Our program is100% safe to use, don’t buy anymore chips online!
Here is a list of features our Zynga Poker Chips Hack trainer does have:
1. Freeze Chips – This hack will freeze the amount of chips you have, it will never increase or decrease. We will discuss how you can abuse this hack with the Game Botting feature of the trainer below.
2. Always All In – This makes it so you will always go All In every round – use it with Freeze Chips and people will get really confused :D
3. Reveal All Hands – This was the most requested feature and we’re glad we were able to fulfill it. This feature allow you to see everybody’s hands. For example, if it displays A|K on top of your opponent’s hands that means they have an Ace and a King.
4. Force Folds – This can only be enabled in the beginning of the round after the dealing has happened. You can’t use this feature once people start checking/folding. Basically this allows you to win the blinds. It is useful in high blinds tables.
5. Kick All From Table – Basically it will kick everybody from the table, it can only be used after the round ended.
6. Reverse Direction – When this is enabled, the direction goes counter clockwise. It is unexpected for most players which will lead to mistakes or just piss them off

CityVille Hack Cheat | Tips, Tricks & Strategy Guide

CityVille is Zynga’s first city building and management game and it’s a quite complex title that comes with some new elements into play. In order to be a great CityVille player, you need a solid strategy to follow and that’s why this article exists: to offer you some tips and tricks for playing the game, as well as count as the FIRST ever CityVille Strategy Guide. Sounds cool enough? It is, so read on to learn how to become a CityVille master player… for FREE!

Let’s start with some great CityVille Tips & Tricks for a winning strategy!

1. Fill in your population cap as soon as possible! Population cap can be increased by building community buildings, and these require neighbors to be hired to fill the positions (or you can pay to fill them). Also, it is your population who purchases the goods and keeps the economy steady, so the more you have, the more potential customers there are.

2. The next logical thing is to have as many opened businesses as possible, since they give you coins if you have the required goods for the supply (the bigger the supply, the more income you get without having to restock, so focus on the buildings with big supply space).

Tip: Place on your map as many open slots as possible and invite your friends to open a franchise there. It costs you nothing and usually the buildings built this way have big supply space!

3. Keep an eye on your goods: you need lots of them to supply your shops and get more money in CityVille. Therefore, keep harvesting (and planting more) and get the goods from the train !

4. Get more neighbors! Neighbors are vital in this game to get extra gifts, energy and, most important, build the structures, therefore you need as many as possible. You can visit this page to get more CityVille neighbors.

5. Focus on Franchises for better income: franchises are stores of the same type built in more cities (yours and your friends’). Once you open a franchise in CityVille, you can access the Franchise HQ from the build menu for some extra coins, and the more stores you have in it, the better the payment! Therefore, another reason to get more neighbors!

6. Build the houses that hold the most population! Pretty soon, you will notice that the space you have in your town is limited and you need to make the most out of it. And although rent is a solid, constant source of income in CityVille, you need the space to open business and farms, so you should have as many houses as possible, holding as many people as possible. This way, your city can thrive!

7. Play daily. You can’t have a solid town if you don’t log in regularly to help your friends and population, so log in at least once per day!

Empires & Allies Power-Up Factory | Hack Update 2012

Empires AlliesCheck Above Link Today, Zynga is going to pump ... you up! ('90s SNL fans, anyone?) The developer has released an interesting update to Empires & Allies called the Power-Up Factory.

This brand new building, introduced through a few simple Goals, allows players to build their own power-ups for us in battle. And while building the factory is certainly simple, building the power-ups inside might throw you for a loop. Let's check it out:

The Salt Mine
  • Place the Power-Up Factory
  • Complete the Power-Up Factory
The first Goal in this series is almost too simple. Just either click the "Build Now" button when it's presented to you, or find the building in your Inventory and place it on your Empire. Then, click the factory three times at one Energy per click to build it. And ... that's it--no friends to staff it, no special resources from friends needed. Your reward comes in the form of an EMP and a Flash Grenade, tools you'll need in the Power-Up Factory.

CityVille Hack Cheats Energy Guide Update 2012

CityVille Building

CityVille, arguably the most anticipated social game of this season, was launched by Zynga just today. And, of course, we want you folks to have as fun a time as we are building our cities. That being said, managing your resources and tapping every possible source is going to maximize your time in CityVille and thus your overall enjoyment and personal happiness. (Yes, these games are that powerful.) Energy, the most important resource in nearly every Zynga game, is scarce, but it's not impossible to find.

Look after the break to find some tips that will increase your time in CityVille to potentially unsafe levels.

Energy MeterWaiting:
This is obviously the first logical option when you see that Energy timer being ticking. However, only one Energy point will refill every five minutes. So, if you just got into this and want to squeeze as much fun as possible out of it, we suggest you employ this method as a last, last resort.


The main source of Energy in CityVille, Batteries can be gifted for free as well as bought through the game's build menu (pictured below) for City Cash. Just click "Build" and then the lightning bolt icon to access the Energy shop where you can buy Batteries that give either 3, 7 or 12 Energy for 3, 6 and 9 City Cash, respectively. Though, there are some more fun ways to replenish Energy.
Battery Shop

Visiting FriendsVisiting Friends:
My personal favorite, visiting friends daily grants you a whopping 3 Energy for nothing among other rewards like XP, coins and Reputation points (this stat returns from FrontierVille). The more friends you help, the more oomph you'll have to do things back Home. Not to mention you'll look good around your friends, who might come around and help you out some in return.

As we mentioned before, Energy can be gifted to other players for free, which means your friends can do the same for you. Just click on the "Free Gifts" tab that rests on top of the game screen to the left of "Play." From there, you can select one type of gift to give out at a time--in this case that being either 1, 2 or 3 Energy Points (much less than Zynga's other games) with the latter two locked until you reach certain levels.

Speaking of gifting, certain Collections (pictured below) in CityVille will yield lots of Energy if completed. This can be done through playing the game normally, collecting from properties like the Toy Shop and Coffee House, but there's a neat little feature called the Wishlist that might help. In your Collections menu (click on the icon to the right of the arrow), you'll see that every item in each Collection has a small button that looks like the RSS symbol. Click that to add it to your Wishlist and then click "Share" to broadcast exactly what you need, which should increase your chances of friends sending you those very items.

Going about your Business:
Just as it sounds, just doing normal tasks like collecting from properties, planting and/or harvesting crops and chopping down trees all have a chance of restoring spent Energy. Albeit small, work is progress and progress leads to...

Leveling Up:
Second only to visiting friends (personally), gaining levels restores huge amounts of Energy. Nothing beats the feeling of being on your last point of Energy as you build the City Hall, only to level up off of that last point of XP, launching you forward to finish the job.

Unfortunately, there aren't any cheats or get-energy-quick schemes in CityVille that we know of... yet. But with your help, we just might be able to figure out this game's little quirks that might help us maximize our Energy even further. So, if you find any interesting (and possibly unintentional) ways to nab some extra juice, why not let us know? It'll both help this guide and make you look even more awesome in front of your fellow mayors.

FrontierVille Hack Cheats and Tips Guide update 2012

frontierville cheats

FrontierVille has been out for a long time now, so we've had tons of time to discover all kinds of FrontierVille Cheats & Tips to help you get ahead. At last, we've combined all our FrontierVille Cheats & Tips into one easy-to-use guide. So, whether you're a new FrontierVille player looking for cheats and tips, or a FrontierVille veteran well versed in the game's cheats and tips, I guarantee you'll be able to learn something from our FrontierVille Cheats & Tips Guide.

Cityville Cheats Getting Started Update 2012

cityville cheats getting started guide

Check Cl1Ck link above or Check out the rest of our CityVille Cheats & Tips right here.

It's time to set out on another adventure and travel to the far away lands of CityVille. Zynga's new city-building game puts you at the head of a small country town. After becoming mayor, you'll construct businesses, spread franchises, build homes, and even do a little farming. CityVille is full of great features, but this can often be a little overwhelming. Fortunately, our CityVille Cheats & Tips: Getting Started guide aims to help your city quickly develop into a budding metropolis.

Continue reading to check out our brief CityVille Cheats & Tips: Getting Started Guide to help you get started building your own city.

Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

Castleville Cheats Update 2012 – Coin, Energy and Item Hack

We know that those who were able to download our previous cheats are now enjoying  unreleased items on the game with thousands of energies in exchange for a few crowns. To all who haven’t downloaded it yet, get them here: Castleville Item and Energy cheat & Castleville unreleased items cheat.
Now we will show you how you can get the maximum coins in the game which is 5 Million in just a minute or two. Yes, this Castleville cheat is 100% working. A lot of gamers have used this and we too have benefited from this hack. Check out the video below as proof that this Castleville cheat really works. You can then download the the hack with complete tutorial by clicking on the link below. Cheers!

The Update Sims Social Freebies - Latest & Archive Gifts 2012

The Sims Social Freebies

While you're away from the Game, we will keep on archiving Sims Social free gifts for you! :)
Just click on the links below that you think you had missed. Everything is for free!
Keep updated for something new SUBSCRIB our Facebook Page and Bookmark this page to get all The Sims Social Freebies.

Sims Social Latest Freebies - Last Update 1/14/2012


  1. 800 Simoleons - Gift Link
  2. +500 Social Points - Gift Link
  3. 500 Social Points - Gift Link
  4. 2000 Simoleons - Gift Link
Report expired links post your comments below
Share this page to your Friends Click .
Need more Neighbors? Join this page  Sims Social Add Neighbors or Sims Social Chat Room
This post is tagged Sims Social Cheats and Tricks.

CityVille Cheat Update 2012 - Cash Hack To Complete Buildings

Credits: astuceville
Note : Cash wont be saved but the BUILDING will be saved when done

    * Charles Web Debugger
    * Firefox

Steps // fhax4u
1. Open Charles Web Debugger and Go to CityVille
2. In Charles, Find and Expand these lines '' > 'flashservices'
3. Right click any of the 'gateway.php' & select 'Breakpoints'
4. Reload the game
5. A BREAKPOINT tab will appear
6. Click Execute ONCE, Another breakpoint tab will appear
7. Click 'Edit request' > 'AMF'
8. You shoud expand everything to see your profile (watch the video if unclear)
9. Change your cash value to 100
10. CLick the red Button to remove the breakpoint
11. Click Execcute
12. if done correctly you will see the new value of your cash,
13. Now spend it all on community building

Hack / BOT / Exploiting / Free ENERGY / for Empires & Allies (all working 2012) + Charles Web Debugging Update 2012

Hack / BOT / Exploiting / Free ENERGY / for Empires & Allies (all working) + Charles Web Debugging 

download all bots here
download bot or
EAAbot ver. 0.12beta Big update by p627
EAA bot is a program which possible you more effective play EmpiresAndAllies. 
Bot is easy to use and absolutely free. 
1st install the EAAbot ver. 0.12beta to something like C:\Program Files\EAABot\  
2 download and  unpack/extract the latest version of multi --> Empires & Allies_Multi_File013.rar
to main bot map like : C:\Program Files\EAABot\  if ask to overwrite click yes 
3 run program and login and be sure to check the littel box to keep you logged in
let it run when its done you see tabs (to find the tabs file see C:\Program Files\EAABot\Plugins
4 in the tabs like Materials input your settings do that for all plugin tabs you wanna use
for the moste updated plugins go to
[PluginBuying Materials - UPDATE 8/7/11.
WARNING: It uses coins
Buy From Market: Very fast. Uses a lot of coins. Doesn't have wood or oil.
Buy From Neighbor: Fast. Doesn't use as much coins. Depends on what your neighbors have.
Buy From Everyone: Slow...Search your friend's friend's friends.. for materials on sale on market. Still use coins.
If you have a problem buying from everyone (it just finish without buying anything), just delete lastvisit.txt file in the Materials or change value to 0.
You can use the attachment and extract to you EA bot folder.
Beta stage. This is what I have so far. I don't have much time to work on this. If you find bugs (has a lot of bugs that's for sure!), let me know...
[Plugin] Industry 0.03
Below is another patch that adds the Industry plugin. This is based off the Farms plugin, and operates almost the same way. Select the contracts that you want to harvest, and the contracts that you want to purchase for idle factories. All contracts (Lumber, Oil, Ore) are all in the same box, but the bot will make sure all resource types are filled.
For example if I have 4 lumber contracts, 4 oil contracts, and 4 mining contracts, the bot will first look to see if any lumber mills need filling, then will do oil derricks, and finally mines. It won't wait until all lumber contracts are gone before attempting to fill oil contracts.
Download 0.03:  [url=<a href=][/url]
Version 0.03 Changes:
-Fixed bug where we attempted to fill a contract on the same industry twice

plugin  [Plugin] Multi | Version 015 | 2012 |
Publish version 11012012-20-29 : IF YOU GET ERROR: data mismatch DON'T RUN THE BOT DON'T WORK WITH your ACCOUNT STOP POST!!!    
change log, latest
2012-20-29 : In multi plugin in inventory you can see the name to have not the code.
2012-20-29 : In multi you can select the position to place the item or auto place.
2012-20-29 : Add new file in Multi plugin with the name Multi_code save many actions.
2012-20-29 : In multi plugin xp & coins add code to select what action need to collect xp.
2012-20-29 : In multi plugin add new action with name "Buy any material" buy material to need.
2012-20-29 : In multi plugin add new action with name "Select & Buy Units" Select & buy units.
2012-20-29 : In neighbors plugin add new code to run faster and better without problem.
2012-20-29 : In Map plugin add code to see and the state of the items or decorations code "0".
2012-20-29 : In building plugin add code if get error with cut tree continue to other to cut.
2012-20-29 : Add code in BotClass.php to don't get many problem for that error "OOS" run better.
2012-20-29 : Add code from the kpd plugins only download my codebase-php and then replace the plugin kpd.
2012-20-29 : In multi plugin add new code for the debug plugin is better and faster to reload.
2012-20-29 : Fix problem with energy get add more code to don't get error any more (faster and better).
2012-20-29 : In multi plugin now get settings from the xml not from the gzxml code from the debug.
2012-20-29 : In multi plugin get e & a items work perfect without any problem and without get ban.
2012-20-29 : In multi plugin Select & Buy Units you can buy and the lock item without pay nothing.
2012-20-29 : In sell plugin now you don't see the emrty state see the number 0 if don't have nothing.
Here you can find all the Multi versions =>
If you have some problem with the bot look here: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=8381
by p627!
Download the new version here: Empires & Allies_Multi_File013.rar    All Plugins Versions
suporrt =
[Plugin][GLITCH] Build locked units
Tiger Tank: coins: 2,000 oil: 25                  <--normall unlock 20  buy 5 CASH
Red Tiger Tank: coins: 10,000 oil: 100        <-- normall unlock 36 buy 9 CASH
Bismark: coins: 20,000 oil: 500                  <--normall unlock 84 buy 21 CASH
There are 3 new units on the market that require CASH to unlock. With this plugin, you can build any of them without using CASH (atleast it didn't for me).
The cool thing is you can use any military building to build those units. Yes, you can use Drydocks 01 to build a tank or a Barracks 01 to build a ship    
These new units expire in 3-4 days. Not sure if you can build them after they expire. Hurry before they patch.
You can use the attachment and extract to you EA bot folder.
Any feedback is appreciated.
download here, version over 9000 Update 2012
if you have raven unlocked, you can use ssj's modified version. i have not tested it yet.
my fb    add me for neighbors 
pls add my bro 2 in need of neighbors  :
if you like it add me on fb 
Streakbonus 2!
ATTENTİON Working only one time! [Not Repeat]
Bonus:your level*1,5*55+45=Your max bonus
New Plugin Neighbors2 version 1.3
Change log version 1.3
- added checkbox for buying from non-neighbors
(some people complain to Z**** when non-friends buy from their markets)
- minor fixes
- Download link:
Change log version 1.2
- added extra neighbors visit (neighbors' neighbor) - Be patient, need 24 hrs to visit all your neighbors and build extras list
- can visit 1500 more neighbors and build GoodXp and coins quickly
- improved neighbors visit
- faster neighbors visit (removed all delays)
- merged mass market buying from neighbors by Devi8
- Neighbors' neighbor is a hack, and you can visit as many as 1500 extra neighbors now. DO NOT misuse this as Z*** will catch you
- With this Resource & Coins buildup is very very fast -- so use a minimum setting for streak bonus after few days. 
- With max streak bonus you can make 35-40 million coins in 1 day, so after 2-3 days set streak bonus to minimum
- The mass market buy will use up all your coins if used irresponsibly, be careful !!!
- changed plugin name to Neighbor2 so it does not conflict with p627's work
- support BotClass changes in Multi 09 and 010 release from p627
As major changes were done to support changes in BotClass in Multi 09 & 010 releases, you need to take care of the following:
1. If you are using Multi 06, 07, or 08 ---> use Neighbors2/Main.php from v1.0 (not supported anymore)
2. If you are using Multi 09, 09a or 010 --> use Neighbors2/Main.php from v1.1, v1.2
Install process:
1. Unrar the files
2. copy the files to respective folders codebase-php/ and Plugins/
3. refresh plugins or restart bot
[ VIDEO ] how to send energy gift +1 +2 and +3 ( CHARLES )
Charles with patch and regist   <-install->
Frist install charles and patch
last write regist key                <-download->
Registered name: iNViSiBLE TEAM                                           or
License key: 1337  <---->                
this is the link ENJOY watch it full screen   
[ VIDEO ] how to buy the locked units from friends market :
[ VIDEO ] how to send many request using CHARLES :
this is the video my friends ----->
[NEW]Resarch Bug 3 :
proof of bot working :
BOT HAS FINISHED WORK 07:40:03  streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:40:02 Collecting building: Barracks 01 07:39:57 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:39:56 Collecting building: Barracks 02 07:39:52 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:39:51 Collecting building: Drydocks 01 07:39:46 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:39:46 Collecting building: Drydocks 02 07:39:41 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:39:40 Collecting building: Hangar 02 07:39:35 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:39:35 Collecting building: Hangar 02 07:39:30 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins07:39:29 Collecting building: Barracks 0207:39:25 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins07:39:24 Collecting building: Barracks 02 07:39:19 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:39:19 Collecting building: Drydocks 02 07:39:13 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:39:12 Collecting building: Hangar 01 07:39:07 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:39:06 Collecting building: Drydocks 01 07:38:59 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:38:58 Collecting building: Drydocks 0107:38:52 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins07:38:51 Collecting building: Barracks 0107:38:44 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:38:43 Collecting building: Barracks 01 07:38:43 ----Start to get xp and coins----
07:38:43 >Coins: 155,923,333 Wood: 222,229 Oil: 543,155 Energy: 50

Cheat Empires and Allies Hack Update 2012

Get all the Parts & Resources that you need without Neighbors

Empires and Allies Cheats - Facebook Games
What you need:
  • Firefox/Chrome or any web browser
  • 2 or more facebook accounts

Cheat Guide:

1. Use either firefox/chrome or any web browser and enter your Main facebook account
2. Click the links  below to request for the material.

Cheat's Quick Links:

Tip: Use your web browser search ex. CTRL + F to find anything that you need in this page
3. Click each link about 10 times to collect 10 of each. (Read more Facebook gifting and "friend" request limit Rule:
4. You should now have a lot of tabs open.
5. Select your SECONDARY facebook account in the "Select Friends" list" and click "Send Help Request" BUT DO NOT Click the Send button yet! Do it on all Tabs.
6. After you do it on all tabs.   Click all the Send button on the open tabs.
7. log to your Secondary facebook account and you should see all the requests.
8. Click on each request ONE at a time
9. Now, all the items will be sent to your main account. Happy Gaming!

Empires & Allies Resources (Energy, Coins, Wood, Oil, Ores)


Empires & Allies Cheat

Liberty Bonds

Empires & Allies Cheat

CastleVille Hack Cheat engine Update 2012

Finally, your waiting come to an end. CastleVille just released and we worked literally overtime to get this Cheat Engine ready for you. We proudly present to you the brand new CastleVille Cheat Engine
Unlimited Energy
Auto Gift
Auto Neighbor Visit/Invite Accept
XP Hack to level faster
IMPORTANT: To respect our privacy please do not resell this. For Personal use only.

Indiana Jones Adventure World Update 2012

We walked you through how the next Indiana Jones experience won't be a movie, but rather a Facebook game, earlier today. Here's a glimpse of what Zynga's re-tooled Adventure World looks like.
And yes, Indiana Jones Adventure World even has the theme music.''

Free Featured Games Update 2012

The Hobbit
Beam Software (Melbourne House), 1982, Tape (Original release)Based on Tolkien's book, The Hobbit was Australia's first major game export, selling over a million copies worldwide.
Lord of the RingsBeam Software (Melbourne House), 1985, TapeA text adventure, Lord of the Rings was one of the earliest games to offer multi-player/multi-role options. 
Hungry HoraceBeam (Psion/Melbourne House), 1982, Tape
This Pacman clone was acclaimed as the first arcade game for the Spectrum.
Horace Goes Skiing
Beam (Sinclair Research /Melbourne House), 1982, TapeA spin-off from the successful Hungry Horace, Horace has to negotiate a busy and dangerous road in order to get to the ski shop to rent a pair of skis.
The Way of the Exploding FistBeam (Melbourne House), 1985, Tape
Considered to be the first 'beat-'em-up' game for the home computer, The Way of the Exploding Fist reached number one in Europe.
Rock'n Wrestle
Beam (Melbourne House), 1985, Tape
Rock'n Wrestle was one of the first 3D combat sports games.
Mugsy's RevengeBeam (Melbourne House), 1986, TapeDetailed comic-book style graphics, with thinking and speaking bubbles, made this an impressive and rich text adventure.

Featured Games Lord of the Rings Update 2012

image from lord of the rings
Lord of the Rings
Lord of the RingsBeam Software (Melbourne House), 1985, TapeA text adventure, Lord of the Rings was one of the earliest games to offer multi-player/multi-role options. This sequel to The Hobbit allowed the player to be up to four hobbits, each with his own characteristics and idiosyncrasies. The added complexity of the game meant that it could be played repeatedly with multiple endings.

Development team (Sinclair Spectrum): Philip Mitchell (Designer/Programmer); Danny Davis, Lyn C, Stephen Taylor, Doug Palmer (Programmers)

Featured Games The Hobbit Update 2012

image from the hobbit
The Hobbit
The Hobbit
Beam Software (Melbourne House), 1982, Tape (Original release)Based on Tolkien's book, The Hobbit was Australia's first major game export, selling over a million copies worldwide. Reaching number one across Europe, its user-friendly artificial intelligence named Inglish (developed by Beam Software) revolutionised text adventures. Players found the game constantly appealing because non-player characters existed independently. They had personalities, loyalties and roamed freely through the game-world. This enabled the game to be played with changing outcomes. It can be considered one of the first examples of 'emergent gaming'.

Development team (Sinclair Spectrum): Philip Mitchell (Programmer); Veronika Megler (Designer); Alfred Milgrom (Producer); Stuart Ritchie (Language and parser researcher)

Castle Ville Cam Hack + Turbo Mode Updateb 2012

Update 2012: They patched this.
I got report from some people about this hack is not working anymore and then a few minute ago I checked CastleVille cam hack & speed hack and the result is... yes they patched it today.

Zynga changes their gameSettings.xml, from now this gameSettings.xml will not cached to your local disk, so if we use CastleVille Cam Hack & Speed Hack Version 2 you will cannot find the gameSettings.xml ( try clear your FireFox cache then load CastleVille then search in FireFox cache directory, can you found the gameSettings.xml ? me cannot ).

They overide the protection for this settings, I found this in Game.19792.swf ( 13/1/2012) :

public function populateVariables() : void
var _loc_1:XML = null;
if (this.m_xml)
GameObject.WALK_SPEED = Number(this.getAttribute("walkSpeed", 3.33));
GameObject.PLAYER_WALK_SPEED = Number(this.getAttribute("playerWalkSpeed", 3.33));
GameObject.NPC_WALK_SPEED = Number(this.getAttribute("NPCWalkSpeed", 3.33));

Player.MAX_COINS = uint(this.getAttribute("maxCoins", 5000000));
Player.MAX_REPUTATION = uint(this.getAttribute("maxReputation", 500));
Global.ClientSideValidation = this.getAttribute("ClientSideValidation", "false") == "true";
Global.ClientExceptionTransactionLimit = this.getAttribute("ClientExceptionTransactionLimit", Global.ClientExceptionTransactionLimit);
Expression.Exceptions = this.getAttribute("ZDScriptExceptions", "false") == "true";
LocalizedStringExpression.PseudoLoc = this.getAttribute("PseudoLoc", "false") == "true";
StateMachine.StateDurationScale = this.m_rawXml.state_machine_settings.attribute("state_duration_scale").toString() ? (this.m_rawXml.state_machine_settings.@state_duration_scale) : (1);
this.m_viewportSettings = new ViewportSettings(this.m_rawXml.viewport[0]);
LocalizedStringExpression.PushScope("Auto_gameSettings_base", GameSettingsInit.GetLocPrefix(this.m_rawXml.globals[0]));
for each (_loc_1 in

this.m_XMLScriptGlobals[_loc_1.@name] = Expression.ParseString(_loc_1.@val.toString());
new AutoRunManager(this.m_rawXml);
Context.Globals.Set("globals", this.m_XMLScriptGlobals);
But I think that protection is not a big problem.

So what we can do now ? are you still need this hack or not ? If you still need this hack just comment this post and then I'll try to search new way for this hack. Just tell me if you still need this.

Tutorial Hack Castleville Update 2012

Download file here:
Create your own happy ending! Coming soon, Zyngas CastleVille gives players a chance to build and manage the Kingdom of their dreams. Like CastleVille on Facebook to help us unlock in game items at launch. Better yet, at 5,000,000 ?likes?, will contribute a total of $100,000 to 3 of our recipient partners.

Castle Ville Hack Features:

Unlimited Energy
XP Hack to level faster
Add Coins, Crowns, XP
Max Reputation
Fast Login
Coins Hack
Crown Hack
Castle Hack
CastleVille isn't the kind of release that will revolutionize social gaming. It doesn't remake the wheel or have any crazy ambitious concepts. It's a game that sits firmly in the framework already established by games like FrontierVille and Ravenskye City. But thanks to some subtle but very welcome tweaks and arguably the best visual and audio experience on Facebook, it's still a great game. It may not be the most original, but it's definitely one of the best.

Trees rock back and forth as you chop them down, rabbits scamper about in the forest, and fish jump around in lakes. These aspects don't affect the gameplay at all, but they do make the virtual world more inviting.

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Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Sociales hielo Sims regalo

Hielo! Quién pidió hielo gratis? Pues aquí tienen un poco de hielo de regalo en Sims Social. Ya sabes que Trucos The Sims Social tiene muchas sorpresas para tu Sim.
Para adquirir Hielo de regalo en Sims Social, solo deben darle un clic a la imagen:
Haz clic aquí para enterarte de de todos los regalos y accesorios gratis que Trucos Sims Social tiene para vos.

Premio del Libro en Los Sims Sociales

La semana de Alicia en el País de las Maravillas es muy divertida ya que Sims Social nos da la oportunidad de transformar las Sim Casas en lugares mágicos.
Esta vez Trucos The Sims Social y el juego Sims Social te obsequian unos coloridos libros para adornar tu casa al mejor estilo en el mundo de Alicia.
Para adquirir estos libros de regalo en Sims Social, solo debes darle un clic a la imagen, abrir el juego y buscar el nuevo regalo en “Almacenaje”.
Haz clic aquí para no perderte ningun regalo que Trucos Sims Social te presenta todos los días.

Oficial del equipo Mansaje Sociales Sims 2012

La nueva mision “Curious and curiouser” ha presentado sus errores por los cuales muchos no pudieron completarla y perdieron el objeto recompensa. El equipo de Sims Social presentó un comunicado oficial disculpandose por dichas complicaciones:
Hola jugadores de The Sims Social,
Primero, una disculpa para todos aquellos que han tenido problemas con la última misión semanal. No nos dimos cuenta hasta que la misión ya había sido entregada, que muchos jugadores carecen de pasto para cortar en sus jardines.
Pero aprendimos de ellos y en misiones futuras que pidan hacer esta misma acción, crearemos una nueva función para que sea posible realizarlo en la casa de sus vecinos.
Importante notar que esto no será una opción permanente, solo para misiones.

A Free Cityville cheat Update 2012

Any more questions about this Cityville cheat?

If you need instructions on how to use this cheat, please read this post.
See how Cityville Ultimate Cheat looks before you download it:
Cityville Cheat
Click here to download the cityville cheat!

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Download CityVille Hack Cheats Update 2012

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Get Link Download klik On Link CityVille has been out for a while now, and we've already discovered all kinds of CityVille Cheats & Tips to help you get ahead. Whether you're a new CityVille player looking for cheats and tips, or a CityVille veteran well versed in the game's cheats and tips, I guarantee you'll be able to learn something from our CityVille Cheats & Tips Guide.

Check out all our CityVille Cheats & Tips guides below:

Hack Cheat Ninja Saga Kyubi Pet and Takachi Update 2012

Skills | Description

1. Basic Attack - pet's basic attack
2. Light Fire Ball - Shoots a small fireball from it's mouth. Like a tailed beast bomb. Burn enemy HP by 2% for 2 turns.
3. Gedo Cannon - Shoots chakra beam to restrict target for 2 turns
4. Gedo Armor - Increase pet's attack damage by 100% and critical chance by 25% (Side effect: take extra damage by 20%)(2 turns)
5. Secret : Fire Bullet Combo - Shoot fireballs to enemy to reduce HP (2%) for 4 turns
6. Secret : Broken Gedo World - Shoots chakra beam to restrict all target for 1 turn. AOE.

Ninja Saga ATM Exp and Gold Cheat Update 2012

The images, tools link, tutorial and cheat is made possible by SOFTWARE SYNDICATE. You can view the original cheat HERE.

How To Use Cheat

1. Open Charles (Don't Open Fiddler)
2. Go to Ninja Saga, don't click Play
3. Enable Break Point in Charles, View:

4. Click Play Ninja Saga
5. Click execute 3 times until u see this:

6. Change Server time to : >> 1318698102
7. Click Disable Break Point, and click execute :

Ninja Saga Cheats is in no way affiliated to the creator of this cheat. The author is not held liable to any damage, banned or loss of account due to this cheat. Cheat at your own risk.

Free Download cheat magic campus Update 2012

Download cheat magic campus
stemma araldico magic campus
Prove your magical skills in front of your enemies and learn Witchcraft and Wizardry in the Magic Campus. Back to school. Yeah! Join this online game that are more keenly expected than Christmas. In the magical world of role playing game Magic Campus, you confront the challenging missions and fight nasty monsters with spells, and explore dangerous adventure …

Produced by China-based online games company FunCity, Magic Campus delivers 2D cute characters, and turn-based battles with quest-solving and item-crafting gameplay. Magic Campus is also called as a browser RPG, which is very similar to another Chinese browser MMORPG Forsakia and MMORPG Zodiac Online. Currently Magic Campus is published by Gamigo, a German-based MMO publisher.

Play Games Melon Mango Mayhem 2012

Game description: Throw melons at all the characters to get them to eat it and vanish.
Game Instructions: Mouse.

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Castle Ville Hack Cheat Update 2012

Download Castle Ville Hack here:

Create your own happy ending! Coming soon, Zynga's CastleVille gives players a chance to build and manage the Kingdom of their dreams. Like CastleVille on Facebook to help us unlock in game items at launch. Better yet, at 5,000,000 „likes", will contribute a total of $100,000 to 3 of our recipient partners.

Castle Ville Hack Features:
Unlimited Energy
XP Hack to level faster
Add Coins, Crowns, XP
Max Reputation
Fast Login

Download Castle Ville Hack here:

Play Games Online Chain Soldier 2012

Game description: Your mission is to kill all green soldiers, click on them to turn into red soldiers, create havoc, upgrades your tools to make more destructions, use bombs, traps, double infect, gold net, and more upgrades. Try to beat 12 levels.
Game Instructions: Mouse.

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Play Free Games at Und3R

Play Games Online Roads to Rome 2012

Game description: Build roads as you scavenge for berries and gather wood to build the road and bridges.
Game Instructions: Mouse to play.

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Play Free Games at Und3R

Play Games Online IPL CRICKET 2012

Game description: IPL Cricket T20 2012 first online ipl cricket game. choose your favorite ipl team, the desired number of balls, and beat the opposing teams target to win.
Game Instructions: Use arrow keys to play.

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Play Games Online Ultimate Force 2012

Game description: A group of terrorists called Tigers have invaded city. You are part of Ultimate Forces fighting against this renegades. Your Mission: Eliminate The Terror Threat!
Game Instructions: Use your mouse to aim & shoot, press to reload, 1 to 5 for change weapon. If an enemy is too far he might be unattainable with your handgun..

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Playing Games Free Ben 10 Cavern Run 2012

In this draw game you may help the little Benjamin Tennyson through the caverns. Draw lines with your mouse to guide the boy, dont let him fall down.

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Play Free Games at Und3R

Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

Trucco per ottenere punti sociali e punti Simoleon a The Sims Social [bloccato]


Abbiamo scoperto un trucchetto semplice semplice che ci permette di ottenere un sacco di punti Sociali e punti Simoleon a The Sims Social!
Ogni volta che andiamo a visitare un vicino o una vicina perchè non farsi una bella doccia?
Per ogni doccia che facciamo a casa del nostro vicino o della nostra vicina, otteniamo 2 punti sociali e 5 punti simoleon!
A questo punto possiamo fare la doccia diverse volte, ottenendo molti punti sociali e molti punti simoleon. I Punti Sociali sono abbastanza rari.
Vediamo come fare:

1. andare a trovare un vicino
2. cliccare diverse volte sulla doccia nella casa del vicino in modo da mettere in coda le azioni di “fare la doccia”

The Sims Social: come convertire i punti sociali in punti simoleon 2012


Abbiamo trovato un trucchetto in The Sims Social per scambiare i punti Sociali in punti Simoleon!
Il trucco è molto semplice. Basta entrare nel negozio, acquistare un oggetto che si paga con punti sociali e che si può rivendere per punti Simoleon.
Ad esempio possiamo acquistare un tavolino “Werkbunnst Aqua DXX” al costo di 500 Punti Sociali

The Sims Social: 500 Simoleons gratis 2012

Cliccate sull’immagine dei Simoleons che trovate qui sotto, otterrete 500 Simoleons gratis!
Non sappiamo fino a quando sarà valido questo regalo, cliccate prima che potete!

The Sims Social: Libreria gratis 2012

Cliccate sull’immagine della biblioteca che trovate qui sotto, ne otterrete una gratis!
Non sappiamo fino a quando sarà valido questo regalo, cliccate prima che potete! Dopo aver cliccato otterrete la schermata di conferma della ricezione della libreria gratis!

Trucco The Sims Social per pulire le colture appassite senza usare energia 2012


Avete dimenticato di raccogliere in tempo le colture che avete seminato in The Sims Social?

C’è un trucchetto che possiamo usare per ripulire le zolle di verdura che sono avvizzite senza dover sprecare l’energia.
Ecco come fare:

1. Cliccate su “Shop” per aprire il negozio
2. Cliccate sul “Deposito”
3. Cliccate sulla zolla avvizzita e selezionate “Sposta”
4. Cliccare sulla parte bassa dello schermo, in modo da mettere nel magazzino la zolla avvizzita.
5. Riposizionare la zolla di terreno dal magazzino al giardino e voilà…

La Zolla viene ripulita senza spendere inutilmente energia!

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